“The point is, that we were willing to grow along spiritual lines.” (BB p.60) –  This may be our Mission Statement. The twelfth step may be our Statement of Purpose and has three points, 1) Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, 2) we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,

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“Silence is God’s first language.” -John of the Cross, 16th century Christian mystic Some time ago, I conceded to my innermost self, I am an addict. Once on this path, the step work was laid out for me. I cleaned house and began to trust God. I began working with others. I prayed daily. But

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Most addicts and alcoholics understand they’ve lost the power of choice once they start to use or drink.  Their experience and memories abundantly confirm that once they start, most of the time, all bets are off and they cannot control the amount they use or drink.  In terms of our text book, they are physically

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Please begin using the following prayer: “God, please set aside everything I think I know about You, AA, CA, addiction, alcoholism, the 12 steps, recovery, and specifically, the first three steps so I can have an open mind and a new experience with You, AA, CA, addiction, alcoholism, the 12 steps, recovery, and the first three steps. Please

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For years, my greatest character defect and shortcoming was my addiction, and it has now been suppressed. It’s been arrested and I no longer suffer from two of addiction’s symptoms – loss of control after I start (Physical) and an inability to stay away from the first one no matter how great the necessity or

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