Spearheads Group 7-Year Anniversary | Norcross, Ga Terry M. from Phoenix, Az | 7/19/2018 Terry shares his experience, strength, and hope.
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Spearheads Group 7-Year Anniversary | Norcross, Ga Terry M. from Phoenix, Az | 7/19/2018 Terry shares his experience, strength, and hope.
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Log Cabin Group | Norcross, Ga Terry M. from Phoenix, Az | 7/20/2018 Terry gives an amazing talk about living a God-centered life and how addiction took him there.
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The Way Out Group Mark Houston from Austin, Tx | 2002 Mark Houston was an amazing speaker. Listen to this and you will begin to question what you think you know about alcoholism and recovery.
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Tri City Spring Rally | Port Moody, BC, Canada Joe Hawk from Santa Monica, Ca | 6/18/1990 Joe Hawk describes in his own language and from his own point of view on how he established his relationship with a power greater than himself.
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Joe Hawk Speaking at Gonzales, La Joe Hawk from Santa Monica, Ca | July 2004 Joe Hawk was one of the most gifted speakers. His descriptions of alcoholism and the solution are incredible.
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Chris R. Speaking in South Carolina Chris R. from Ingram, Tx | 2006 Chris gives a wonderful talk about the problem, solution and program of action.
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54th Florida State Convention Theresa F. from Hollywood, Ca | August 2010 Theresa shares her experience, strength, and hope.
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Founders Day | Akron, Oh Scott. L from Nashville, Tn | June 2009 Scott shares his personal experience with alcoholism and the solution he found in AA.
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Mark Houston (Unplugged) at MHR | 2009 Mark does a great job of discussing the spiritual malady and it’s connection to why we must write inventory.
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Fellowship of the Spirit | Lafayette, La Charlie Parker from Austin, Tx | 2014 Charlie gives a great talk about powerlessness and “waking up” after you’ve been around for a while.
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