November 7, 2016

CA Speaker

Travis G. – 10/27/2016 – Spearheads Monthly Speaker Meeting Travis emphasizes the conversion experience the steps generate and how an entirely new attitude towards God’s Universe and His children can emerge if one follows a specific course of action and seeks to grow in understanding and effectiveness.

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November 7, 2016

Top Rated Speakers

Big Frank McKibbon – 1996 – Speaking in Indianapolis, IN Big Frank has a hard but truthful message that he carries in a very matter of fact way. He’s greatly influenced the lives of many recovered alcoholics and addicts. In this talk, he highlights inventory and the tragedy of the human ego.

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November 7, 2016

CA Speaker

Tarek K. – 10/20/2016 – Speaking at ART Group in Toronto, Ontario Tarek talks about willingness and whether or not we’re willing to attack Recovery like we attacked drugs and/or alcohol. If we were mad dogs for drugs and alcohol, have we come into the rooms and turned into little chihuahuas?

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