Spearheads Caitlin S. and Mark H. | 6/29/2017 Caitlin and Mark share their experience, strength and hope.
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Spearheads Caitlin S. and Mark H. | 6/29/2017 Caitlin and Mark share their experience, strength and hope.
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Spearheads 7-Year Anniversary Jay H. | 07/20/2017 Jay gives an amazing talk illustrating how in a short period of time the steps can be worked effectively and thoroughly generating a vital personality change sufficient to bring about recovery from addiction.
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Spearheads Group Speaker Meeting Mike S. | 3/30/2017 Mike discusses his experience with addiction and alcoholism and the change in perspective that the Twelve Steps afforded him. Change in perspective is at the core of the spiritual experience.
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Thursday Morning Speaker Meeting | Ridgeview Tarek K. | 5/11/2017 Tarek describes in detail the problem, solution and the program of action.
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Line by Line Group’s 1 Year Anniversary | Sautee, Ga Tarek K. | 6/2/2017 Tarek describes in his own language and from his own point of view how he established his relationship with a Power greater than himself which solved his problem with drugs and alcohol.
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Spearheads Group (CA) Mills G. | 5/25/2017 Mills gives an incredible talk in which he describes the problem he suffered from, the solution he came to believe would save his life and the plan action he followed to generate a vital spiritual experience which has revolutionized his way of living and thinking.
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Spearheads Group (CA) Kristin W. and Eli F. | 4/27/2017 Kristin and Eli give a wonderful talks about powerlessness and the court of action they took to overcome their alcoholism and addiction.
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Carry This Message Group Clark E. and Ross G. | 6/8/2017 Clark and Ross share their experience with addiction, working the steps and how the 12 step process recreated their lives.
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Alabama State CA Convention – Mobile, Al Tarek K. from Atlanta, Ga | 3/18/17 Tarek discusses his current struggles and how the program of recovery, the twelve steps, have helped him find meaning and purpose in the way he struggles through his existence.
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Christina N. and Mills G. – 1/9/2016 – Carry This Message Speaker Meeting Mills does a wonderful job of describing the change in character that the twelve steps can create and the importance of authentic communication with others in recovery. Christina’s story touches the heart and centers on the hand of God in everything we experience, good
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